Monday, 8 April 2013

A Little Nostalgia...

I have been doing some work recently around my collections and my family memorabilia which goes back to the First World War.

With both my Grandfather and Father ex-Soldiers, as well as myself, I have a considerable amount of momentoes which really hark back to another age.  These two images are the start of that series.  You can click on the photos to go to my Website where the images are posted.

This image shows a pair of binoculars and a compass, both military from World War 1, the spurs and the silver Cigarette Case belonged to my father and the badges are mine.

In this picture, the Hip Flask was my fathers and the Pocket Watch was my 18th birthday present from my Parents.  

Together, they hark back to another era.  What do you think?

I will be posting more from this series in the coming weeks.

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