Sunday, 14 April 2013

Marketing Notes 4: Voting on FAA - Is it worth it?

Is Voting on FineArtAmerica Important?

I have been on FAA for nearly a year now and have only recently started to look at the issue of voting.  

As I mentioned in my previous post, I now automatically give my own pictures a vote when I post them.  My understanding is that the vote is part of FAA's algorithm for deciding which pictures to feature and how high up to rank them and therefore voting for your own image when you post is just good SEO without trying to game FAA's algorithm.

You can also vote in Contests and this can get a little more controversial.  When I enter a contest I go over and vote for my own image, primarily to get it on the leader board early so that it has a chance of being seen.

However, I do not ask for votes or go outside of FAA to solicit votes.  Its nice when people do vote and most of the time they don't but thats cool too!  I also try to see which other images are out there and go and vote for images, competing with mine, that I like.  The value I get from contest is seeing how other artists have interpreted a similar theme.

I have also joined a Group called "Vote and Vote Often" and this prompts me to go over and spend a little time, a couple of times a week, and find new artists and their work and stop by and comment and vote.  I get a lot from these exchanges and often post a comment with a question to learn how they have either composed or digitally enhanced their images.

So Question of the Day:  What do you think of Voting?  What else do you think is important in influencing the FAA algorithm? Yes, I know, thats two questions... :)

New to my Blog? Please join my email list here on Blogger for Regular Updates.  Please visit my FAA Artists site here and leave a comment to let me know you called, vote too if you like!

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