Friday, 19 April 2013

Marketing Notes 5 - Using the FAA Activity Tab

Using the Activity Tab

If you believe, as I do, that interacting on a social forum is an important way to succeed there, its social after all, then the Activity Tab in FAA is a great tool.  I have only recently started using it regularly and I want to share with you WHY I do.

The Activity stream has several different views:

  • All Activity
  • Activity Directed at Me
  • My Activity
  • Watch List Activity
  • General

Lets take these one at a time...

All Activity

In this area you can often find something new or a new artist as you can see comments by people in your stream who are commenting, voting or favouriting someone you may not have come across before, so its worth exploring if you have the time.

Activity Directed at Me

This has four sections:

Members Commenting on My Artwork - this enables you to see who has been kind enough to comment on your work.  Following Bob and Nadine Johnston's advice, the best thing you can do is to go to that Artists site and leave a message, vote or favourite one of their images, rather than adding to your own comments list on your own images.

Members Adding Me to their Watch List - if this happens, its nice to go over and say thank you.

Members Favouriting my Artwork - again this sort of vote of confidence is worth showing your gratitude for.

Members Featuring my Artwork in their Groups - this again shows where your Artwork is being promoted by other Artists.

My Activity

Artwork I have Commented On -A useful summary of your own activity but it also gives you an opportunity to review comments made by other artists and therefore continue to discover other artists you may not yet have met but who share your interests and tastes.

Artwork I have Featured in My Group - if you have one...

Watch List Activity

Artwork Posted by My Watchlist Artists - This is a good place to catch up on the most recent activity by your favourite Artists and to favourite or leave a comment.

New Artwork Favourited by my Watchlist Members -  This is another place to discover new Artists and learn about their work.  See what your favourite artists are appreciating - who are the friends of your friends in other words.


Contests - this is the place to see what is new on the contest front.  Contests are a great place to raise the profile of your work.  Remember always go and vote for your own work as soon as the contest starts so that you get your image on the leaderboard early and increase its chances of being seen by other people voting in the contest.

Events - a good place to see what is up and coming.  This seems to take in to consideration where you are located.

In summary, when you visit the FAA site and login, it is worth catching up with your community by seeing what is going on, what your favourite artists are doing and taking a look for new art to appreciate and enjoy.

New to my Blog? Please join my email list here on Blogger for Regular Updates.  Please visit my FAA Artists site here and leave a comment to let me know you called, vote too if you like!

In the next Marketing News, I want to share with you what I have learned from Bob and Nadine about Descriptions and Tags...


  1. Good Job John, like the background and type, it can be read easier than many...

  2. Bob
    Thanks for stopping by, for your generous comments and for allowing me to share your ideas with my community and readers, spreading the word on how to me a more successful artist!
    Best regards
